Cannabis and Health

What is Cannabichromene: anti-inflammatory and painkilling cannabinoid

Considering the great media spotlight cannabinoids and their properties have been under during the last few years, it may seem weird but today there are still lots of cannabis molecules, apart from THC and CBD, that play a very important role in pain and inflammation management. One of these derivatives is CBC: let’s see why this non-psychotropic cannabinoid is underestimated and why it deserves more attention.

How does CBC interact with the human body?

Cannabichromene (CBC) is one of the cannabinoids present in the highest percentage in cannabis plants. It’s the third more important cannabinoid, following THC and CBD, but it hasn’t been thoroughly studied yet, and it is still considered a mystery. Just like the case of cannabidiol, CBC doesn’t have any psychoactive effects but it seems to be able to counter the effects of THC, which are responsible for the typical cannabis “trip”. Some recent research shows that CBC molecules might be useful for pain and inflammation management. The main idea behind this research is that this molecule might be able to directly interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors. As some clinic studies show, CB1 receptors are mostly located in the encephalon, but it can be also found in other areas of the brain which are very significant for neurogenesis, even though in smaller quantities. Furthermore, these molecules can also be found inside the liver, the respiratory system, in the kidneys and reproductive organs. CB2 molecules, on the other hand, are mostly located on T cells of the immune system, as well as in many areas of the central nervous system. These two receptors seem to be the main responsible for the anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and painkilling action of many cannabinoids.

Main properties of CBC

In the case of cannabichromene, the interaction with CB1 and CB2 seems to give some excellent results. First of all, its affinity with human cannabinoid receptors located all over our body, makes CBC an effective anti-inflammatory and painkiller which can make the patient feel a prolonged sense of relief from neurological pain, as well as reduce oedemas and inflammations. CBC is effective if used alone, but it achieves even better results if combined with other cannabinoids: this healthy effect is called by experts “entourage effect” and it consists in the administration of many different substances which amplify and improve the action of one another. Some studies focus on CBC’s ability to stimulate neurogenesis i.e. the growth of the nervous tissue. This ability along with the anti-oxidant and regenerating action of other cannabinoids might lead to the creation of a mix of cannabis compounds which would be able to fight against neurodegenerative diseases which still don’t have a real cure, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It seems that CBC might be even used as a treatment for psychological diseases as depression, thanks to its ability to improve the patient’s mood if taken regularly, the same as CBD. Apart from the properties we’ve already mentioned, there seems to be a chance of CBC being used as an anti-bacterial. Cannabichroneme seems indeed to be lethal for many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and many staphylococci. As a conclusion, this cannabis derivative could really have a lot of different and healthy uses. Here are some recent scientific studies to confirm our thesis. Inhibitory Effect of Cannabichromene, a Major Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Extracted From Cannabis Sativa, on Inflammation-Induced Hypermotility in Mice shows how CBC has been tested on mice as a possible anti-inflammatory: learn more here. Role of Cannabinoid in Gastrointestinal Mucosal Defense and Inflammation proved the existence of the “entourage effect” in cannabinoids engaged in the managing of inflammatory illnesses of the intestinal mucosis: learn more here. Among the different conclusions of the study Cannabichromene Is a Cannabinoid CB 2 Receptor Agonist it is showed how a high dosage of CBC could improve therapeutic cannabis-based treatments and, at the same time, function as an inflammatory modulator: learn more here. These studies, along with many others which can be found in the main international scientific data bases, unfortunately represent just the first stage of the long research that still has to be done to understand how CBC works. Even though the little research that has already been carried out was either performed in vitro or on mice, and for this reason still incomplete, it sure suggests the great field of application of CBC. We are currently waiting new and more specific studies on this matter whose results will surely be groundbreaking.








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