Is there a correlation between cannabinoids, cannabis light and sex?
Since ancient times men and women have used the disinhibiting and relaxing power of cannabis to liven up their sexual life: many traditional medicines used low dosages of cannabinoids to treat sexual dysfunction and accentuate libido or simply to have more lasting and pleasant sexual intercourse.
Despite this, a good piece of scientific literature claims that cannabinoid abuse can inhibit people on a sexual level and even interfere with male fertility.
What is the truth then? As in many situations, we think that the truth is in the middle.
Cannabis and sex: effective only at moderate doses
Think about it: drinking a couple of glasses of wine can be useful to relax the couple and enjoy the sexual act without performance anxiety, this is well known. At the same time, drinking a bottle of whiskey can knock us out, without the possibility of supporting any kind of performance (let alone sexual). The secret, in this case, is definitely the amount of alcohol taken, because what can initially lead us to be uninhibited and relaxed can also put us KO and make even the thought of sexual activity impractical. For many, cannabis works just like that, if used at low doses is stimulating and relaxing at the same time, but if you pass a certain threshold is more counterproductive than anything else.
THC and CBD to be uninhibited and creative in bed
But what does science tell us about cannabis use and sex? The truth is that there is currently no objective data to demonstrate scientifically unequivocally that marijuana has aphrodisiac qualities. Despite this, many sex therapists for couples (especially those operating in US states where cannabis recently became legal) have started to advise their patients to experience sex under marijuana, often having very positive effects. The most plausible scientific explanation for these results is related to the efficacy of cannabinoid THC in stimulating sexual arousal, especially in women, and in removing tension and performance anxieties (both in men and women this time). CBD also seems to contribute to the process, thanks to its relaxing factor that facilitates intercourse and stimulates creativity.
Cannabis and sex: very personal levels of effectiveness
The way individuals react to cannabinoids is absolutely different and personal. A scientific study conducted on a hundred pairs of lovers in Canada in 2003 revealed conflicting effects in the cannabis and sex relationship: about half of the respondents during the research unequivocally claimed that cannabis consumption improved sexual relations and many of them even have declared to consume marijuana for the sole purpose of improving their performances. At the same time, however, 1/3 of them said they found it ineffective or counterproductive.
Why so many differences between couple and couple?
The fact is that the response to the intake of THC and CBD is absolutely individual and is influenced by a series of infinite variables. Our mood at the moment may change our reaction to cannabis intake, but also the type of product (with different balances of THC and CBD), or the familiarity with the intake of cannabis. For this reason, our advice in this regard follows the line of US sexual therapists: experiment and try to approach sex under the effect of cannabis, keep low doses and try to find your right love combination until you feel satisfied with the performances obtained.