Cannabis and Health

Cannabis oil and massages, scientifically validated pain-relieving combo

Let’s start from the assumption that CBD and hemp oil have very important pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.  Now, in recent years many physiotherapists and wellness centres are adding a product to their arsenal of oils and ointments, that’s cannabis oil for massages.  But is the combination of hemp oil with the massage technique really effective?  According to some of the oldest schools specialized in therapeutic massages, absolutely yes, but let’s go into more detail on the subject by reading the scientific literature on the subject.

The purpose of massages and manipulations is very often that of calming pains and facilitating muscle relaxation.  When our body is tired and it builds up tensions in the form of blocks, contractures and other discomforts that make the muscles, tendons and tissues get inflamed.  The result?  Diffuse, localized, irradiated, reflex, acute or chronic pain.  In addition to the use of special massage techniques, there are also other factors that can help to heal and improve the effectiveness of physical treatment, such as the use of concentrated oils that help relax the body and reduce inflammation, here hemp oil is one of them.

Pain-relieving massage is really effective

Massage is a manual therapy with therapeutic purposes that has a long history decidedly ancient and varied.  There are many massage schools all around the world that apply very different techniques, refined and improved over years and years of study and practice by professionals and connoisseurs of the human body.  If in the past in Italy the massage was considered a luxury and a pleasant habit today its importance has been widely recognized also at a therapeutic level, especially as regards the pain-relieving manipulative techniques, but also to promote immune functions, alleviate anxiety and depression and promote circulation.

Looking for scientific feedback on the effectiveness of pain-relieving massage therapies is very easy because the articles that confirm their usefulness are truly endless.  Some examples of how massage can control the pain caused by many diseases you will find in this site that collects a series of scientific studies on this rich topic.  There is the talk of important results of the massage with hemp oil in the management of chronic, acute, pediatric pain caused by cancer or autoimmune diseases, in muscle syndromes and even the benefit for patients with complex diseases such as HIV.

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Transcutaneous cannabis oil against pains of various kinds

Proven the effectiveness of the massage for pain management and other body problems we can only understand how the oil extracted from the inflorescences of hemp can improve the whole experience.  Also, in this case, various scientific studies are available to testify how cannabinoids (molecules derived from cannabis) are very effective weapons for skin treatments of inflammation and pain.  For example, this study documents how the application of CBD-based gels (cannabidiol, or the non-psychoactive cannabis cannabinoid) has significantly improved arthritic inflammation in laboratory rats.  The research shows that the transdermal administration of CBD has long-term therapeutic effects without psychoactive side effects and suggests that this particular molecule may have a marked potential as an effective treatment of the symptomatology related to arthrosis of various nature.

The secret lies in the precious cannabinoids

It has been shown that cannabinoids, in particular, CBD and THC (the latter being the psychoactive component of cannabis that from the “buzz” effect) are able to alleviate many types of pain, especially when it is associated with tissue inflammation.  The scientific texts on the subject are different and the testimonies in the first person are even more.  Today in many countries, starting from the United States there are many doctors who prescribe frictions with cannabis-based oil containing high dosages of CBD (and where it is also legal for THC) for those suffering from osteoarthritis and chronic muscle-type pain.  No buzz, but so much well-being.  In other countries, such as in China, India and Indonesia, traditional medicine experts propose wraps and massages with oils extracted (often illegally) from hemp, natural care professionals who for hundreds of years have been offering alternative herbal remedies against many types of pain to those who do not trust modern medicine.

In short, it is both scientific evidence and many millenary traditions that demonstrate how the art of massage and the transdermal properties of cannabis-derived oils can be used together to restore well-being to the body and mind. So do not hesitate and try the cannabis oil that so intrigued you!

Olio Cannabis Massaggi Combo Antidolorifica








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