Cannabis and Health

CBD more powerful than antibiotics? No, it is not the usual hoax…

The results of recent scientific research still awaiting publication seems to be the key to solve the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Guess what: once again, the miraculous substance we are talking about is obviously cannabis. In particular, CBD.

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The study carried out by the Center for Superbug Solutions at the Institute of Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland has shown that cannabidiol is incredibly active against Gram-positive bacteria that have developed resistance to other antibiotics.  The research opens the door to a new possible therapeutic area for the CBD, whose potential truly shows up to be unbounded.  In fact, so far numerous clinical studies have been concerned with confirming the legitimacy of this cannabis molecule not only in the treatment of various forms of epilepsy, inflammation, but also in the management of pain, psychologicalpathologies and anxious states… but this antibacterial ability is a completely new discovery!

A research team against the fearsome Superbugs

The research found out that Cannabidiol is active against Gram-positive bacteria, including those responsible for many serious infections (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcuspneumoniae), with a power comparable to that of widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics such as vancomycin. This discovery came out from the research led by Dr. Mark Blaskovich, who presented it during the ASM Microbe, the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology held on June 20th-24th in San Francisco, California.

The ASM is the largest microbiology company composed of over 30,000 medical scientists and health professionals. Scientific research on the antimicrobial potential of cannabidiol has been part of a wider series of investigations called Superbug Solutions, or solutions for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, one of the issues thatmost concern microbiologists all around the world. The team led by Dr. Blaskovich collaborated with Botanix Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a pharmaceutical company that subsidizes early drug discovery.  The research started from a study focusing on the topical use of synthetic cannabidiol for a range of skin conditions and it was shown that cannabidiol was extraordinarily effective in killing a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria.

The antibacterial action of CBD

Cannabidiol, the main non-psychoactive chemical compound extracted from cannabis and hemp plants, has already been approved by the FDA for the treatment of various forms of epilepsy and has been studied for a number of other medical conditions, including anxiety, pain and inflammation.  Although the data collected have not been validated by publication yet, there seems to be sufficient evidence to suggest that CBD extracted from cannabis can actually kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In addition, it appears to be particularly effective even in long-term administration, which reduces the risk of developing resistance.  According to the same Dr. Blaskovich, the combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity in the same molecule could be the key to cure many types of infections and pathologies.

CBD destroys bacterial biofilm

The special efficacy of CBD would be ensured by the ability of cannabidiol to destroy bacterial biofilm.  According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, up to 80% of bacterial infections affecting people in Western countries are caused by polymicrobial biofilms, or complex aggregations of microorganisms. They are characterized by the production of a matrix that allows the bacteria to adhere to surfaces and protect them from aggression increasing their danger.  Cannabidiol would be able to penetrate the biofilm and literally destroy bacteria.

Not bad, right?

We look forward to seeing the publication of this fascinating study. In the meantime, you can follow the advances published by the ASM on their official website.

CBD more powerful than antibiotics








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