Cannabis and Health

CBD side effects: what are they? Guidelines for a responsible use

How to take cannabidiol safely

CBD is a natural molecule derived from cannabis, and it is a cannabinoid with great healing potential. For its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, painkiller and mood regulator qualities, it is highly recommended as a dietary supplement and in the treatment of various diseases. However, could it also have side effects?

CBD has been so successful in recent years thanks to its potential in the medical field, in the treatment of the symptoms of various diseases and health problems. It has been intensively studied together with other substances extracted from cannabis and much interesting scientific research is available on its functionality. Without a shadow of a doubt, CBD-based supplements, such as concentrated oil or high-cannabidiol content flowers, offer many advantages and can be very useful for solving or relieving many pathologies.

However, many people are worried about its possible side effects.

First of all, we can confirm that what you will find written on each package of CBD-based product is true. In fact, this cannabinoid is not psychoactive and, unlike THC, it cannot give high or mental confusion effects. Moreover, it is not (and should not be) classified as a narcotic substance.

Cannabidiol, taken orally and appropriately, is classified as a safe product for adults. Doses of CBD up to 300 mg per day (a very high dosage) were tested and confirmed as suitable for administration up to 6 months, still considering that higher doses are recommended only for shorter periods.

Overall, CBD is a product that does not trigger undesirable effects. It has been widely studied and no serious adverse effects have ever been reported within the recommended doses. However, like any other substance that could be introduced into your body, there are some contraindications and only mild side effects, much less important than most commonly used drugs.

It is important to know them before deciding whether or not to take this supplement.

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Undesirable effects of CBD

Dry mouth

This is a very common side effect of cannabis use: a kneaded mouth feeling that finds relief by drinking and eating something. The dry mouth is due to a decrease in salivary secretion, a consequence of the presence of endocannabinoid receptors in the salivary glands which, due to the interaction with the CBD, modify temporarily their regular activity. It is not dangerous to health, but just an absolutely transitional annoying sensation.

CBD and Parkinson’s

Some clinical studies suggest that the use of CBD oil in Parkinson’s patients may lead to a worsening of symptoms when consumed in very high amounts. At the same time, cannabidiol has been tested with excellent results in moderate quantities on patients suffering from this disease and has been proved to be a valid aid in many cases. Therefore, clinical trials continue to assess the risk-benefit balance of the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Interaction with other drugs and alteration of absorption

One issue that needs to be taken into consideration is the possibility that, if you are taking other drugs, CBD may affect the way your body processes them. So if you are taking medication, contact and speak with your doctor before taking CBD. No other adverse drug interactions are known.

Pressure drops

If assuming a daily dose higher than the recommended one there is the possibility of undergoing even significant pressure drops. However, these are temporary effects, that usually take place immediately following the intake of CBD.


In some people, CBD oil can cause fatigue, especially in high dosages. In this case, we recommend taking it during a quiet time of the day, perhaps before going to bed.


Some people have experienced diarrhoea, but only in trials with very high doses of CBD.

Increase in appetite

Taking CBD for long periods can stimulate the appetite and lead to weight gain.

Pay attention to the dosage and quality of your CBD

We have seen that the side effects and precautions when taking CBD could be considered negligible compared to those that can be read in the leaflet of whatever common over-the-counter drug.

CBD is, therefore, a product with no important side effects when used by healthy people and in the right dosages. However, be careful to buy every time high-quality supplements, which are certified as safe products and which show the specific concentration and composition on the label.

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