Food hemp

Homemade hemp milk recipe: a high protein, plant based drink easy to prepare

Nowadays there are tons of plant based milk substitutes on the market, but they’re often not that healthy due to the high levels of preservatives and added sugar. Did you know that making your own organic hemp milk at home is super easy?

Here’s our recipe and some useful information about hemp milk made from hemp seeds, tasty and healthy!

Everybody like hemp milk… Wanna know why? Unlike many others cow milk substitutes, its flavour is delicate and balanced with a nutty hint, and doesn’t require much sweetener to be appreciated also by kids!
Choosing to switch from cow milk to a plant based alternative may be an ethical choice, but also dictated by a health and diet factors.

Many people develop or were born with a lactose intollerance, meaning that there’s a deficit in lactase, the enzyme that synthesize lactose (the main sugar in breast and animal milk, therefore in all dairy products).
In these cases, diciding to switch to a hemp plant based option is a wise decision: it’s a vegan drink with amazing nutritional qualities and no psychotropic effects, being made with hemp seeds that contain absolutely no THC.

Don’t feel like to give up on milk as a vegan? Keep on reading this article, you’re about to discover how to produce your own cannabis milk!

Hemp milk nutritional facts

Hemp milk is perfect for those who are looking for a vegan, high protein drink with great nutritional facts, healthy but tasty in any moment of the day.
It’s a low calorie drink, suitable for weight loss, gluten free, lactose free and metabolism deseases diets.
Nutritional-wise, hemp seeds are referred to as almost “miraculous” and consuming them regularly can actually help mantaining a good phisical state.
These seeds are rich in polynsaturated acids, useful to prevent cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, autoimmune, inflammatory and cholesterol-related deseases. Essential amminoacids (like Omega 3 and 6), vitamin A and E and proteins found in hemp seeds make them energizing as well as antioxidant.
Furthermore, hemp milk made from fresh and genuine ingredients is full of mineral salts, indispensable for the good functioning of our body, such as iron, potassium and magnesium.
The difference between an industrial and a home-made product is obvious, that’s why producing your own hemp milk with organic seeds will allow you to obtain a great result avoiding thickeners, unwanted sweeteners, emulsifiers and, above all, preservatives.
It also allows you to save on packagings, using glass bottles to store your drink.

Hemp milk recipe

Let’s start by saying that for this recipe, you’re gonna need: a good mixer, a clean cloth (better if previously boiled), some big clean bowls, a strainer and a glass bottle with hermetic cap. For the best result and preservation of your milk, the bottle must be perfectly clean.

Hemp milk ingredients

  • 100 g hemp seeds (better if organic and whole)
  • 1 L water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tbsp maple syrup or honey (if you’re a vegetarian)

First of all we want to soften our seeds, leaving them in 200ml of cold water for 20 minutes if decorticated and for at least 2 hours if whole. At the end of this process, put the seeds with their water in the mixer, add a pinch of salt and your favourite sweetener. Start mixing and add the remaining water until you have a homogeneous compound. Then, filter your drink with strainer and cloth. Now you’re ready to fill your glass bottle with your homemade hemp milk.

Store the bottle in the fridge and consume it within 3/4 days.

Milk preservation and vegetable waste management

As we previously said, preservation of hemp seeds milk is limited: it starts to sour due to the presence of Omega 3 and 6.

With the remaining vegetal waste you can create some tasty recipes. It’s rich in fibers and it’s a shame to waste it. We use it for our “meatballs”, for our savory pies and vegan burgers to give substance to the mixture. Super useful!


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