Cannabis and Health

Does cannabis help female climax and amplifies sexual pleasure?

Female sexuality is definitely still a taboo and a not-so-discussed topic for medicine and women themselves.
But women, as well as men, can suffer from sexual dysfunctions, typically having issues in feeling pleasure and reaching the orgasm.

A brand new research affirms that this problem could finally be solved thanks to cannabis.
We already talked about how our beloved cannabis can improve libido, now we’re gonna focus on the female climax.

In literature, we found very few scientific data on the effects that cannabis has on the sexual sphere, but in real life we get more and more information every day (and night) about men and women that benefit from it.
In this article, we want to focus on a quite bold study published in July 2019 on Sexual Medicine, stating that cannabis can positively influence female pleasure during sexual intercourses, from arousal to the orgasm.

But before exploring that research in depth, let’s make things clear about female orgasm and “non-orgasm”.

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Orgasm and female sexual dysfunctions 

Orgasm is the reaching phase of maximum mental and physical pleasure, followed by a total relaxation phase.
In women, it’s characterized by rythmical contractions of perineal muscles and sexual organs, while in men it represents the culmination of sexual arousal and the end of the erection.
Overall, it’s certanly a pleasant moment, easily recognized by those who have experienced it at least once in their lives.
The inability to orgasm (beside being a missed opportunity of feeling pleasure) can lead to negative psychological consequences for the individual and the couple, and also cause frustration in both partners.
A persistent absence of orgasm in conditions of sexual solicitation, or a consistent difficulty in reaching the climax is referred to as female orgasm dysfunction.

For some women, this is a permanent condition (never experienced an orgasm) and for others it’s an aquired disorder (problem manifests after a “normal” sexual life).
In some cases the dysfunction is limited to certain partners while in others it’s connected to all partners and also to self-stimulation.

Female orgasm data

There aren’t many researches regarding this topic but we managed to find some important data on the diffusion of female sexual dysfunctions.
During the ’90, the National Social and Health Life Survey led a study on 1749 women (hetero, homo and bisexual) from USA, aged 18-59 years old.
A particularly high percentage of subjects declared orgasm related problems: 24% of the participants stated that they never experienced an orgasm in their lives.

In Italy, a survey led in 2000 reported that only the 34,7% of women reached the orgasm every single time they had sex while the 38,7% declared to reach it frequently but not always.
6,6% of the interviewed declared to reach a level of satisfactory sexual pleasure very rarely and the 2,6% even the inexistance of the orgasm itself.

Research about the correlation between cannabis and female orgasm

An american research led by Saint Louis University School of Medicine and published on Sexual Medicine (the official magazine of the International Society of Sexual Medicine) submitted an anonimous survey to a group of women to discover more about their perception on the correlation between cannabis and sexual experiences.
Some of the questions were about the personal data of the women, and about their habits on cannabinoids consumption as well.
Many questions asked about the changing of sensory perception after consuming cannabis: on a sample of 372 women, the 52,8% of them never used cannabis before, the 34,1% consumed it in correlation with sex and the 13,1% did consume it but without any link to sexual pleasure.
Most of the women belonging to the second group stated to have experimented a massive increase in libido and a better orgasm experience with cannabinoids, as well as a decrease in pain after sexual intercourse.
Comparing the data of the two categories of women, seems that consuming marijuana before a sexual encounter can actually increase the possibility of reaching the orgasm.
Good news for those who want to enjoy sex with a natural little help!

Cannabis Helps Female Climax Amplifies Sexual Pleasure








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