Cannabis Light News

The WHO changes idea: cannabis has to be decriminalized globally

What will be the consequences of a historical report by the World Health Organization on the liberalization of cannabis?
Of cannabis epic news there’s one a day, and it seems that the whole world is quickly becoming aware of how much each part of the hemp plant deserves a quick rehabilitation after years and years of wails.

The last to say this was none other than the UN, which has decreed the need to change the international approach to cannabis. The impact of this stance brought forward by the World Health Organization will certainly shed new light on the future decisions of many states and certainly on UN cannabis policies.

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The new WHO guidelines on cannabis and derivatives
The WHO communication has been put on paper during the definition of the new cannabis guidelines defined by the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (the expert committee on addictions of the World Health Organization) for the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (the UN Committee on Drugs and Narcotics).

The report drawn up by the WHO experts draws some very important considerations for the future of cannabis that we are going to summarize briefly, based on a very well done article published in Forbes magazine on February 1, 2019.

The World Health Organization calls for the decriminalization of the cannabis plant and the resins extracted from it. Currently, cannabis and derivatives are found in the Table of narcotics IV (the most restrictive of the Single Convention on Drugs of 1961, where heroin also appears).
The WHO proposes that THC and its derivatives be completely removed from another treaty, that of 1971 concerning drugs and inserted instead in Table I of the 1961 Convention (considering that at present they are simultaneously in Tables I and IV, where the IV identifies substances considered as particularly harmful and with limited medical benefits).
The WHO also proposes that CBD and its derivatives containing less than 0.2% THC are no longer under international control. This initiative had already been agreed on, but in these new statements, the concept was reiterated.
Cannabis extracts and dyes would be removed from Table I of the 1961 Convention and pharmaceutical preparations containing THC at high doses should be placed within Table III of the same Convention to recognize their value at a health level.

What will be the results of this WHO recommendation?
WHO decisions have important weight. They tell us that global government policies have been so far wrong and unfounded and that the “dangerousness” level of cannabis has been incredibly overstated almost as much as its potential at the medical and pharmaceutical level has been underestimated. In practice, these WHO declarations are not enough to impose legalization on the various countries, but certainly this directional change could act as a substantial incentive for those states that are already considering potential decriminalization or even definitive legalization of cannabis.

In real life, the change of position of the WHO should significantly encourage the various state governments to change their laws, at least for the medical and scientific use of derivatives of the hemp plant.

Liberalization of cannabis: the word at the United Nations
What we know for sure is that very soon these proposals will be exposed and evaluated by the UN Commission for Narcotics, where member countries can decide whether to reevaluate their position on cannabis and its derivatives. This will surely be another of those historic moments, an important crossroads for cannabis rehabilitation. Continue to follow us and we will keep you informed about new international developments.

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